Hopefully before you opened your store you chose a great location. You’re in a place with good visibility and lots of foot traffic, but they aren’t coming into your store. Why? There are many reasons. It’s not enough to be in a good location, you’ve got to be attractive, enticing. Give people a reason to walk in and check you out. There was a time when hiring someone to stand on the sidewalk wearing a sandwich board or handing out coupons was an effective marketing strategy, and some shops still do it, but these days it’s mostly a waste of time and money. Most people are either buried in their mobile devices or just not interested in such in your face advertising and will walk right on by.
So what do you do? Start with the basics. Clean windows with attractive displays or signage. Neat but attractive outdoor displays, and a welcoming entrance. This means no loud music or heavy perfumey odors. If you’re in a hot part of the country, just having your door open so passersby get a cool blast of air can be enough to generate interest.
You also need to think about your offerings. If you’re a convenience store or small food or coffee shop, think about investing in a Frozen Yogurt Machine. Frozen Yogurt is a hot, hot seller right now and if you can offer it along with a few toppings you will draw in folks, especially in tourist areas or those with lots of hot weather.
Convenience stores and small delis should also consider offering fresh flowers. Containers of colorful, fresh bouquets on the sidewalk always draw attention and are a great impulse buy. Fresh fruit and vegetables are also great attention getters.
Inside your shop, make sure your staff is friendly and helpful without being overbearing, have air conditioning if at all possible, and of course, completive pricing. Make your shop as comfortable and interesting as possible. Keep it clean and bright. Appearances matter!
With a little thought and effort, you can do a lot to draw in foot traffic and increase sales. Start simple and then consider what the hot trends and product offerings are and try to embrace them. Make sure your shop presents itself as safe, friendly and interesting. Make your customers feel important and listened to, and you will reap the rewards.